

Giving Thanks - 10 Days of Gratitude

I've decided to be grateful and give thanks. I've been on a "woe is me" streak lately and I need an attitude adjustment. There are 10 days until Thanksgiving and each day I am going to post something or "somethings" I am grateful for.

Day 1 -
Today I am grateful for my body. I was at the gym this evening and I got to thinking my body is not perfect, far from it. But I love it. I love all my imperfections. I love that I'm striving for more but if I never get there I'm happy with me, now. I'm grateful that I have legs that can run and knees that will get me through a half marathon, if nothing more.

I am happy with my arms, my favorite part of my body. I love strength training and light weight lifting and I don't feel boyish doing it. I'm strong and I am thankful for that. I am even thankful for my stretch marks. I have them all over my tummy. They are a daily reminder that I created life.

My body is healthy and strong and I couldn't ask for more. I am thankful for each workout and that it reminds me how far I've come in my life.

I found this on Pinterest tonight and it inspired me and this post...

Giving thanks for all the big and little things in my life!

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