

Giving Thanks

Day 4

Today I am thankful for Ray (the hubby). This morning we got into an argument. It was trivial, pointless, and a waste of our time as are many of our arguments. Ray and I are both stubborn people, neither of us like to consent. Ray is a snake (Chinese Zodiac sign) and his sign clearly states avoid the boar. While guess who is a boar? Yours truly. Lucky for me Ray's stubborn nature swayed his favor of the "boar". During our argument I of course stated all the things he does wrong and all the things that annoy me about him. I know, not the best wife. Then after things had cooled and I realized I was being completely irrational, I started to list all the things I appreciate and love about him. And as always the good out weighs the bad. Ray being the compassionate husband he is, forgave me for my outburst and nuttiness. We are still happily married and I am thankful to have him as my eternal companion.

Just a few things from my list -

When the girls were babies and in that not sleeping through the night stage - Ray was always the first to get out of bed and snuggle them. He rarely woke me unless they needed to feed. How lucky am I.

Ray is the cook in the family. I seldom cook.

Ray works 60-70 hour weeks. He never complains. He's never to tired to get up in the middle of the night if one of the girls need something. He's never to tired to give a bath, brush teeth, make a lunch or do some laundry. (FYI - I am not a horrible homemaker just a very busy teacher and student)

Ray loves his girls. All of us. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful man in our lives. I am thankful I get to call him mine.

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