

What I'm Loving Wednesday! it Wednesday? I've lost track of time and the days are starting to run together. I've got no time for blogging. My life is in complete and utter chaos. I'm losing my grip on reality. This week I entertained the idea of moving to another grade. I teach kindergarten and I am just so fed up with the lack of time and resources available. Now it is true I'm coming off parent-teacher conference week (45 conferences for me) and this rant is the result of exhaustion. Did I also mention I am working on my Masters in Education and a math endorsement. I have two beautiful daughters, 5 and 3, who also demand a lot of my time. We have a new home (a lot of it still in boxes) and a wonderfully supportive husband, who just happens to work 60-70 hour weeks. I do believe I bit off more than I could chew this year. I'm counting down the days til summer vacation, only about 120 more to go:)

Anyhow I've decided to link up with This Kind of Love to share what I'm loving this Wednesday (because I can find the good in my crazy mixed-up life).

I'm loving my new home. It may still be in boxes but it's mine and only a 5 minute drive to Olivia's school and a 10 minute drive to work. No freeway time required!

I'm loving this very sweet and dear woman. She is affectionately known in our family as Tai Po (great-grand mother in Chinese). She had a stroke on Sunday and has been in and out of conscience since then. She is in our prayers.

I'm loving Christmas. I've been spending way to much time on Pinterest but I've come up with some great gift ideas.

DIY pajama bottoms...I'm going to attempt to do this for the family. Wish me luck!

I'm loving that the premiere for Breaking Dawn is a week away. Judge me if you want but we've got our tickets bought and can't wait.

I'm loving some of my new pins...

As always I'm loving my sweet sweet family.


Brooke said...

LOVE your blog!! Your girlies are adorable, I share your love of teaching, could chocolate covered pretzels GET any better?, and Twilight- Ah- I love it so much it kinda makes me want to cry! Have you heard the new song? It's so beautiful! XOXO Brooke

Heidi said...

You'll have to let me know how it goes with those cute, cute PJ pants! They're adorable! Miss seeing you! :)

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