

Sophie Turns 1!

Sophie turned one on February 20th. She had a full day with a hair cut, shots at her doctors visit, and shopping for party supplies. Our itsy bitsy Sophie hasn't grown much from her nine month visit. She's still little but she's walking and loves to eat cake.
Her stats at her doctors visit were:

Height: 27 and 3/4 inches 5%
Weight: 17 pounds 3%
Head Circumference: 50%


Laurie said...

She is sooooo dang cute!! I just LOVE her!!

Nana said...

Hi Lady Sophie,

Sure looks like you had lots of fun and cake on your birthday.



Nana said...
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Nana said...

Don't laugh Emigh! It took me a couple of trys and re-sets to on the password to leave the comments.

I think I'll remember now. Don't be surprised if I don't.


Katie Stoddart said...

How fun! It reminds me of when McKenzie was one she was pretty much the same size. And now she is eight! Time flys way too fast!

Spencer, Emily, Ashlee said...

She is so sweet. Happy birthday Sophie!

Ellingsons said...

She is just so sweet looking. I love the haircut. Cutie!

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