

Let Freedom Ring...

Our Fourth of July weekend was jammed packed. Our Fourth started at 5:30 in the morning and didn't end until about 9:00 that night. I started the day with a 10K run at the Freedom Festival in Provo with my best friend. It was my first 10K (in case you don't know a 10K is 6.2 miles) and I had two goals: 1. Finish in under 1 hour and 10 minutes and 2. Don't stop running. Well I successfully accomplished both my goals. I finished in 1 hour and 8 minutes and I ran the whole way with an occasional slow down for a drink of water.

After the freedom run we walked down to the parade. Now the kids loved it. Myself, I really don't get the appeal of parades. It's just a bunch of people and floats going by very very very slowly. But the kids had fun and that's what's important.

As you can see the sirens were a little loud for Sophie. After the parade we headed down to the veterans pool in Provo. I have to say it's a fun little area. I took Olivia down the big water slide and she laughed the whole time. She thought it was the best thing ever. We made many return trips to the slide. Here's Olivia with the boys her new best friends.

She loved hanging out with these guys this weekend. After the water park it was back to Yea Yea and Mama's (Rays parents) for a BBQ and some fireworks. It was a very long day but filled with great memories and lots of fun.

The kids crashed as soon as we pulled out of the driveway.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the 10k! I hope to be able to do one of those some day!

pan x 8 said...

I am SO PROUD of you!!! (Thanks for the info - no idea a 10k was 6.2 miles...) Way to go on setting your goals and getting to them! I remembered you were a little timid about the 10k but see?? no need to worry!!

I love 4th of July and I hate them! So much preparation to get the party started and then the clean up is just as bad! I can't believe you were everywhere on that day!

Fun fun times!

steveandjonelle said...

Congrats on the 10K. You are awesome! We should run a race together.

Anonymous said...

oh, our lives together would be nothing...

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