

The Middle Child

Let me begin this post by saying I am not pregnant but someday (not in the near future) I will be and Sophie will inevitably be the middle child. However I feel she has already taken on the role of middle child because I completely neglected blogging about her turning the big 2 in February. Now that she is two I have to buy 4 plane tickets for our family if we want to fly anywhere, we have started potty training, she is hitting, and we have entered the very terrible terrible two's. Now anyone who knows Sophie thinks she's just the sweetest little girl and who could argue with this face.

However, she is extremely stubborn and fierce but you would be too if you had to live and compete with this one below.

All kidding aside I am completely and utterly in love with this little girl. I can't help it she's got me hooked. She had a wonderful birthday party. Nana and Papa joined us from California. We had yummy food and cake and lots of lots of presents.

This is the super sweet cake Grammy had made for Sophie's 2nd birthday complete with all her favorite characters.

Stat's for Sophie at 2
Weight - just barely reached the 20 pound mark
Height - SHORT
Favorite Food - Life Cinnamon cereal
Favorite Word - Sophie talks mostly in incomplete sentences such as - I do it!
Favorite Toy - Baby Dolls - she loves to feed them, take care of them, and put them to sleep. She's started making the baby doll go potty on the toilet.
My favorite thing about Sophie - She's a cuddler. She loves to give me big hugs and nuzzle against my neck. I feel so blessed to be her mother and I can't get enough of her.

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