

Christmas Newsletter

My Christmas cards are sealed and delivered but I neglected to include a newsletter. So here it is...

This year has been a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. Through it all our little family has grown closer in faith and love. Lets start with the big events...
We decided this summer to rent out our house that we have loved and lived in for five years. It was a hard decision but the 45 minute commute to and from work everyday became to much with our two little girls. We felt like we were spending more time in our car and less time as a family. It was the first house Ray and I bought together. It is where our baby girls took their first steps and spoke their first words. It is where we celebrated countless holidays and birthdays. The girls still miss their house and friends but we have adjusted to life with Ray's parents. We are currently staying with them until we can find a new home that both Ray and I can agree on. If you the know the two of us that might take a little time. Until then Olivia and Sophie love having their Mama and Yea Yea so close.

Our first home...

Olivia started Pre-K this Fall and she has loved every minute of it. She is very bright and a wonderful helper. She has really taken an intrest in learning how to read. I love listening to her try and sound out words. It's quite funny. She is counting down the days until she can go to the big school where Mommy teaches. I can't believe she is going to be five this May. I feel like it was just yesterday that I held her in my arms after 39 long weeks of pregnancy. She truly amazes me each day and she has been such a blessing in our lives.

First Day of School...

This Fall Sophie started taking dance lessons. She is such a tiny ballerina. This week she had her first dance recital. She danced to the song Jingle Bells. It was wonderful and she was perfect. Sophie will be 3 this February. She is also a bright girl and very talkative. I took her to get her haircut last week and she chatted with the hair stylist. She told her how she wanted to get her cut, what she wanted for Christmas, about her upcoming dance recital, and everything in between. She is our sweet girl and we love her more each day.

First dance recital...

Ray continues to work for Harmons, a local grocery chain here in Utah. He is such a wonderful man. He works 60 hour weeks but he always finds time for his girls, all three of us. I have truly been blessed to find such a wonderful man to share eternity with. This year we celebrated our 6th anniversary.

6 years with my best friend...

I have also been busy with teaching. I teach the afternoon session of kindergarten. I am in my fifth year of teaching and I still love it. This year I have started working on a math endorsement. The credits I receive from this program will go towards a masters degree in education.

We send our love and holiday wishes to all our family and friends.

Happy Holidays.
The Lo's


Ellingsons said...

Love the updates. I think I'm going to do one of those. It's the perfect way to wrap up the year! love you all!!

pan x 8 said...

It's been a long time since we've talked. Sorry, I didn't stop by after that choir concert, my 2 little ones had me over the edge and we had to slip out asa we gave Kam a hug..

I didn't know you moved! We need to get together and...

Merry CHRISTMAS to you and your cute cute family!

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