

Chopsticks and Social skills

I haven't really been in a blogging mood lately but I thought I would update with a few miscellaneous happenings:

1. I have gone without sugar (cookies, cake, ice cream, candy) for 32 days. I am seriously considering breaking this ban on sugar because Ray's aunt brought these tasty treats to dinner tonight -

2. We are preparing to celebrate Sophie's 3rd birthday on the 20th of this month.

Day 1

3. Sophie is learning to use chopsticks (left handed). These are the best for the learning stage.

Here's my plug for fine motor skills - chopsticks are the best to strengthen these skills. It will help with their cutting and writing skills later in life. I see so many kindergarten students who have shaky hands making cutting and writing difficult. To help them strengthen these skills we have them pick up small objects with chopsticks pinched at the top.

4. I received my acceptance letter for the Master of Education program through Southern Utah University. I started working on my elective credits for this program at the beginning of the year. It's tough but I will be so proud of myself when I finish.

5. Olivia is doing wonderful in preschool. Her teacher says she is very bright and doing wonderful academically. Socially she is having a hard time playing with others and sharing. No surprises there!


Heidi said...

I never thought of that with the chopsticks....what a great idea! Congrats to smart woman you. We miss you guys! :(

pan x 8 said...

Good for you ~ working toward your Masters! I wasn't in a blogging mood either end of Dec and beg of Jan but somewhere in mid Jan I found my groove again.

I cannot believe you and sugar - it's insane to me but that's why you look so great and I'm... well, I'm still in the planning stages - lol. Miss you girl and then next year we won't even be there!

Ellingsons said...

That's why all the Asians I ever knew had the best and neatest hand writing!
I don't know how you resisted those tarts and how you're going without sugar. You are so disciplined. I'm doing no candy & soda but I'm pretty sure I make up for it with desserts. :)
I miss you!!

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