


Sophie turned 3 today. She is an amazing little girl who brings so much love and joy to our family. We celebrated her birthday last night with friends, family, and lots of food. Our favorite things. She shares a birthday with Ray's cousin Michael. Here are the birthday kids.

She has not been to the doctor for her 3 year check up yet so we don't have any official stats but here are a few things about Sophie:
Sophie loves to dance. She has a dance class on Thursday. Every morning she wakes up and asks me, "Is it dance day today."
Her favorite show is Dora the Explorer. She actually scored lots of Dora loot for her birthday.
She loves to eat fruit and yogurt. She still has a hard time with the green veggies but she's slowly starting to eat more of them.
She is a very smart girl. She can count to 10. She recognizes most letters and sounds of the alphabet. We're having a hard time teaching her to write her name because she is left handed. Nobody in our immediate family is left handed.
She loves to be read to. Her favorite books are The Gingerbread Man and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Sophie is all girl! She loves to dress up in princess clothes and wear crowns. She always has a purse on her arm and high heels on. She is precious and we love her.

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