

The 365 Project - Day 1

Here is the 411 - Each day I will take a picture and then post it on my blog. This is a highly ambitious goal for me considering my track record with consistent blogging. I'm hoping this will give me the kick in the pants I need to blog more. I stole the idea from here. I hoping to capture and catalog our everyday life. My goals for this project are:
1. Become a more consistent blogger
2. Learn to use my camera better
3. Take more pictures of the girls (because it will be over before I know it)


Day 1

Meet Sophie. Sophie is 3 and a compulsive finger sucker. She's trying to be sneaking and hide her face beneath a pillow. She thinks she can fool mom but I see her. I always see her!

Any suggestions for how to get the fingers out of her mouth?


Jackie Koll said...

It's fabulous that you are doing the 365 challenge. I tried it last year . . . and had to stop, I was stressed out by it HA! I take pictures almost every day but don't like the pressure of having to find one to take :-) Good luck! Stopping by from Jenna's

The Trendy Family said...

This challenge is fabulous... one of my friends did it before and she had a lovely journal of their lives when she was finished! I saw your blog on the commenting challenge...

Jessica said...

I'm going to try it starting MEOW! LOL. Also, try hot sauce or finger nail polish remover. That's what my mom did to Ang.

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