

Day 25 and the car

Bad news...the Mr's car got broken into today. Now let me tell you about his car. It is a piece (if you know what I mean). It is almost 20 years old, dented from front to back, and soon to be retried. I'm pretty sure I have shoes worth more than his car. The only reason he drives it is because it get 55 mpg and he drives anywhere between 100-150 miles a day. He's a little ticked because it happened during the day and in a parking lot. His radio and a file folder with the registration and tire information (confused as to why this would be valuable to anyone) were the only things stolen.

His and Her's cars

(Reason #3047 Why I Love My Husband...He is so not embarrassed to drive around in this on the other hand...I duck down low whenever I'm in the passenger seat and that doesn't happen very often).

1 comment:

Luke and Kellie said...

That really stinks, sorry! Luke and I are the same though, his car is my old one it has dents and broken door handles but runs great and gets good gas mileage. Not that mine is very fancy but I definitely prefer it!

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