

Day 31 and Sophie

8 hours earlier this sweet face was unconscious. Sophie had to have two cavities filled today. The dentist tried laughing gas first but she wasn't having it. Plan B she had to be put under. This was a very scary experience for mom. Now I've been through this before with Olivia, twice. Once for ear tubes and then again to have cavities filled. However, Olivia was older. Sophie is only three and weighs a mere 27 pounds. She has allergies but were not sure to what yet. This frightens me but rotting teeth scare me more. So we forge on. They begin by giving her a shot to help her fall asleep. This is the part that makes me weep. I'm holding her in my arms and she looks at me with her big eyes, confused about what's going on. Then she looses control of her body and goes limp. Her eyes never close but she is asleep. It's the look of total loss that gets to me. I have to keep my composure because there are other families in the waiting room and I don't want them to see me cry like a baby. Then the doctor comes and takes her from my arms. I'm left waiting while they go to work. About an half hour later the dentist comes back. She did wonderful he tells me. I get to sit with her while she sleeps off the remainder of the drug. Her body looks so small in that big chair. The oxygen mask that has been placed over her nose looks like the snout of a piglet. This makes me giggle. Another half hour passes before she starts to stir. The nurse has taken a Popsicle and dragged it over her neck. This startles her and she opens her eyes. At this moment I realize she's still Sophie. This is when I sigh in relief. She's fine, just perfect, my itsy bitsy Sophie.

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