

Day 48 and Strawberry Lemonade Cake

Today is Grammy's birthday. We celebrated with a picnic in the park and strawberry lemonade birthday cake. I found the recipe here. It was pretty delicious. I used fresh lemons instead of bottled lemon juice. Olivia cracked the eggs and Sophie added the strawberry gelatin. It was a team effort. Here is Grammy enjoying her cake.

We are so grateful to have Grammy in our lives. She is so wonderful and willing to help out anytime with the girls. Sophie actually begged to go home with Grammy and Grampy tonight. So we are without one child. We love you Grammy. Happy Birthday!

And just because I couldn't help taking pictures in the park...

They're so serious!


pan x 8 said...

What a wonderful way to spend your birthday!!! ThX Emigh for allowing me to comment! lol

Heidi said...

That cake looks soooo good! I want a recipie girl! :)

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