


So...I like blogging but sometimes it feels like a chore. I feel like if I don't have a new picture to post then why post. Because I mean honestly who reads a post if there is no picture (I'm guilty of this also). Then after reading this amazing blog by this amazing survivor, mother, woman, I realized who cares. Who cares how many people read my blog or comment on my post because really that's not what this is about. It's about sharing my ideas, thoughts, frustrations, joys, and everything else in between. So here's me resolving to blog more and share more. I've been inspired not only to blog more but live more by I recommend this blog because really I think it could change your life. It did mine.


pan x 8 said...

Good for you.. All memories savored are memories worth savoring and saving!

Ellingsons said...

I love her blog, too! What I love about blogging is having all our memories in one place. Then at the end of each year I turn our blog into a book and it's our little family journal. My kids can sit and look at our books for so long. They love looking at the pictures and maybe when they get older they'll appreciate the words too. I need to blog more too. I love when our book has a bunch of random day to day memories. Some posts may not mean much to some readers but they'll mean something to you and your family.

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