

On being an adult...

I have decided I no longer want to be an adult. I would like to go back to being a kid. A time when I did not have to make hard decisions, or pay bills, or work. Don't mind me. I've just been in a funk lately. I sometimes feel like I completely skipped my twenties and went straight to full blown adulthood. I am 27 almost 28. At 21 I was married (to a wonderful man). At 22 (one month before my 23rd birthday) I had my first beautiful daughter, Olivia. At 22 we also bought our first home. I graduated at 22 and started teaching three months later. At 24 I had my second beautiful daughter Sophie. These are some of the most wonderful things to happen in my life. I am truly grateful for them and for the trials and struggles we've had to endure but sometimes I just get tired. I don't want to evict tenants from our rental property. I don't want to decide between private and public school for Olivia. I don't want to make hard decisions anymore. Everyone says it only get harder after 30. Yikes!

(something to make me two favorite girls)

After reading this I realize it makes me sound like a spoiled brat and I'm really not. Like I said I've just been in a funk lately and sleep deprived. I'm usually very bright and cheery and grateful for all I have in my life. I think a week in sunny California will do me some good. The countdown to spring break has begun. The woe is me rant is completed and now I will go and count all my blessings.


Heidi said...

Oooooh! I'm so with you about not wanting to be an adult. I would love a nap everyday and for someone to push me around in a stroller. Oh well. We're going to CA for spring break too! Where are you going and when?

pan x 8 said...

Sometimes we just feel that way. It doesn't make us spoiled, just human. You've accomplished so much so fast.. think you are just ready for vacation and have some time to laugh laugh and laugh - that way those hard decisions will still be hard but bearable to make!

I know you are always upbeat and so adult.. so you are good.

Ellingsons said...

the 30s get harder? ah crap! I love you and I love reading your blog and it makes me think that we really need to live closer to each other!

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