

The art of dumplings

This is Ray's Dad.

He is amazing and the most wonderful cook ever. People come from all over the neighborhood when he pulls out the BBQ. Whenever we have a family event he is the chef. He cooks all day and comes home to make us dinner every night. Here he is making dumplings for great grandma's birthday.

These tasty morsels will be cooked in boiling water and then eaten by me and many others but mainly me. They are my favorite.

Here are the girls with great grandma. She is eighty four years old. She doesn't speak any English and understands very little. Olivia is her first great grandchild. So naturally she's the favorite.

1 comment:

Ellingsons said...

Now that you've mastered those cinnamon rolls you should learn to make those dumplings. Yum!!

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