

California - To Do List

Here is my to do list while I am in California (lot's of food will be consumed on this trip)

1. eat a chili dog from Taylor's Hot Dog Stand
2. eat a Chinese chicken salad and vegetable tempura from Masaru's
3. Thrifty's ice cream cone (I might eat a few of these)
4. get a tan
5. go to the beach
6. go to the zoo
7. eat a donut from Scotty's
8. visit great aunts and uncles
9. buy fresh fruit from a road side fruit stand clam chowder from Splash Cafe

Most importantly I plan on spending insane amounts of time toasting my skin in the sun.

Spring Break 2011

1 comment:

pan x 8 said...

Oh my fun!!! Get some sun for the rest of us that are stuck in this crappy cloudy rainy stuff at home!

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